BTS Trains System
MRT Yellow Line (Innovia Monorail 300)
All 30 Yellow Line Monorail trains consist of 4 cars,
designated as A1-C1-D1-B1. Trains run in Bi-directional
operation and are extendable up to a 7-Car configuration. Each
car is motored by a propulsion drive unit located on each
bogie, running on rubber tires. The main unique feature of
Monorail trains compared to trains operating on other lines in
Bangkok, is that they are driverless and run in automatic
mode, controlled and monitored by the Signalling system while
in service.
Traction and auxiliary power supply of 750 VDC for each car is
derived from the power rail and fed to the high voltage junction
box by the bogie-mounted current collector shoes in contact with
the power conductor rail. Sequentially, the high voltage junction
box distributes power to the propulsion system and auxiliary power
unit respectively. Regarding auxiliary power supply, the auxiliary
power unit converts 750 VDC to 3-phase 380 VAC/50Hz, 1-phase 220
VAC/50Hz and 110 VDC/24VDC for powering the air conditioning and
liquid cooling subsystems, power outlets and low voltage loads
such as battery, saloon lighting and onboard controls
The total length of a 4-Car train is 50.474 meters. Overall car width (doors opened) is 3.162 meters and 3.142 meters with doors closed, and overall height from top of guideway beam to top of antenna
is 3.120 meters. With all seats occupied and 8 standees per square meter, the passenger carrying capacity of each end car (A1/B1) and middle car (C1/D1) is 178 and 191 persons respectively. The maximum passenger carrying capacity of a 4-Car train is 738 persons. There are 14 seats per end car (A1/B1) and 16 seats per middle car (C1/D1), or 60 seats per train. The passenger sliding doors are top-hung, electrically powered, outside sliding type, with 8 passenger doors provided per train side. The minimum door opening width is 1.600 meters and height is 1.930 meters. The carbody is constructed of lightweight aluminum roof, sidewalls, endwalls and welded steel underframe.
The total length of a 4-Car train is 50.474 meters. Overall car width (doors opened) is 3.162 meters and 3.142 meters with doors closed, and overall height from top of guideway beam to top of antenna
is 3.120 meters. With all seats occupied and 8 standees per square meter, the passenger carrying capacity of each end car (A1/B1) and middle car (C1/D1) is 178 and 191 persons respectively. The maximum passenger carrying capacity of a 4-Car train is 738 persons. There are 14 seats per end car (A1/B1) and 16 seats per middle car (C1/D1), or 60 seats per train. The passenger sliding doors are top-hung, electrically powered, outside sliding type, with 8 passenger doors provided per train side. The minimum door opening width is 1.600 meters and height is 1.930 meters. The carbody is constructed of lightweight aluminum roof, sidewalls, endwalls and welded steel underframe.
Each car is fitted with two bogies, each bogie has a dual load tire, single axle, 6 guide tires to laterally guide the car and provide the required vehicle roll control along the straddle beam design and alignments. The propulsion system consists of a permanent magnet hub motor coupled to a planetary gearbox, mounted in a cantilevered arrangement to a fabricated steel bogie frame. This provides an extremely compact bogie arrangement, which allows the INNOVIA Monorail 300 to offer a low floor height, as well as an intercar walkthrough as shown in the picture below.
The following is a summary of features provided/installed in trains
- Tri-furcated stanchions for passenger comfort while standing in doorway areas, including longitudinal handrails and straphangers provided in all cars within reachable range by passengers.
- Wheelchair parking area with wheelchair safety belt/fixture at each driving end of end cars (A1 and B1 cars).
- Smoke detectors in each car to detect smoke.
- CCTV in each car for passenger safety.
- Fire extinguishers located under driver’s console and 4-person seats in all cars, for rapid and immediate use if required.
- Emergency ladders under the 4-person seats in middle cars (C1 and D1 cars) for rapid self-assisted passenger-evacuation should it be required.
- Each car is equipped with two Passenger Intercom Panels (PIP), one per each train-side next to the doorway on all cars, for passenger communication with Operation Control Center (OCC).
- Exterior Destination Indicators (EDI) located on end cars (A1 and B1 cars) to notify passengers of travel information and other special information.
- Interior Route Map Displays (IRMD) installed above each doorway to guide passengers on the scheduled route, active door status and travel information.
- Emergency ventilation windows in all cars allowing passengers to open, should emergency ventilation be required.
- Brake system based on microprocessor control, hydraulic actuator and fail-safe design.
- Liquid cooling system to provide cooling for the propulsion system and auxiliary power unit.
- One roof-mounted air conditioning unit located on each car for saloon temperature control and passenger ride comfort, with VAC unit utilizing R407C refrigerant.